| | 0011584 | | First time connection message is misleading / broken workflow & MMA won't terminate | | major | 1.0.4 | 206 | 1.0.4 | 7 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-22 |
| | 0010480 | | Freeze Executing service com.ventismedia.android.mediamonkeybeta/.player.PlaybackService | | minor | | 100 | | 1 | jiri | | closed | 2013-12-22 |
| | 0010178 | | Sync: Initiating Sync from Device should use fastest sync option if available | | major | | | | 1 | peke | | closed | 2013-12-22 |
| | 0011647 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Installation: Script installation restart prompt reset current UI Position | | minor | | | | | peke | | new | 2013-12-22 |
| | 0011638 | | Deleting playlists triggers crash (regression) | | crash | 1.0.4 | 206 | 1.0.4 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011563 | | .m4p files fail to play and MediaMonkey freezes if Quicktime is missing (regression) | | crash | 4.1 | 1678 | 4.1 | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011611 | | Podcasts erroneously downloaded for some users/podcasts | | minor | 4.1 | 1682 | 4.1 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011605 | | Tagging of some MP4 file leads to file damage | | minor | 4.1 | 1682 | 4.1 | 2 | michal | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011356 | | [Reset device options...] resets also the WiFi access rights | | minor | 4.1 | 1682 | 4.1 | 4 | Ludek | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011623 | | It is not clear that files are auto-converted only with Gold version | | minor | 4.1 | 1682 | 4.1 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011587 | | Android device can't be browsed if it's unlocked while connected | | major | 4.1 | 1682 | 4.1 | 6 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011640 | | Sync process: Check device Lock State | | feature | | | | | peke | | new | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011523 | | AV upon connecting/disconnecting device to USB | | major | 4.1 | 1682 | 4.1 | 8 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-21 |
| | 0011632 | | Disabling wifi sync in Device Profile results in many access requests | | minor | 4.1 | | | 1 | lowlander | | closed | 2013-12-20 |
| | 0011639 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Mouse cursor set with SDB.CursorType is not consistent | | minor | | | | | zvezdan | | new | 2013-12-20 |
| | 0006746 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | ISDBApplication::CursorType property needed | | feature | | 1210 | 3.1 | 3 | zvezdan | | feedback | 2013-12-20 |
| | 0011458 | | Error after initial sync in Kit Kat | | minor | 1.0.4 | 205 | 1.0.4 | 9 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-20 |
| | 0011627 | | Wi-Fi sync: deleted playlists aren't removed from other players | | major | 1.0.4 | 205 | 1.0.4 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-20 |
| | 0011631 | | Options fails to close | | minor | 4.1 | | | 2 | lowlander | | resolved | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011636 | | Right-click files in filelisting -> Send to -> Device may result in improper structure | | minor | 4.1 | | | | Ludek | | new | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011637 | | Right click Playlist > Send To > device fails without warning if the playlist hasn't loaded yet | | minor | | | | | Ludek | | new | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011628 | | USB Sync Problems (Samsung Galaxy Note) | | minor | 4.1 | | | 9 | lowlander | | resolved | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011633 | | Sync sometimes fails completely (write failure?) | | major | 4.1 | | | 2 | rusty | | resolved | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0010872 | | Now Playing doesn't show tags for UPnP files on restart | | major | 4.1 | 1663 | | 4 | lowlander | | feedback | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011629 | | Video subtitles not synced to iPad | | minor | | | | | Ludek | | new | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011240 | | Now Playing list doesn't reflect what's Playing | | minor | | | | 1 | lowlander | | closed | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011602 | | Scanning fails to detect deleted podcasts | | minor | 1.0.4 | 203 | | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-19 |
| | 0011520 | | Streaming to xBox 360 is broken (regression) | | minor | 4.1 | 1673 | 4.1 | 3 | Ludek | | closed | 2013-12-17 |
| | 0011612 | | AAC files on network drive request AAC codec with MP4 Winamp plug-in | | minor | | | | | zvezdan | | new | 2013-12-17 |
| | 0011608 | | Equalizer Rightreamp string type | | tweak | | | | 1 | lowlander | | new | 2013-12-16 |
| | 0011607 | | iOS5+ Sync: Updated artwork in MM is not updated in the device after auto-sync | | minor | 4.1.1 | | | | Ludek | | assigned | 2013-12-15 |
| | 0008564 | | Refer users to iTunes Device Plugin for unsupported iPod devices | | feature | 4.1 | | | 1 | rusty | | new | 2013-12-13 |
| | 0011586 | | Change 'nothing to sync' message | | minor | 1.0.4 | 200 | 1.0.4 | 4 | jiri | | closed | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0009521 | | Fix: MM must be compiled using the /SafeSEH flag to ensure safe exceptions handling | | block | 4.1 | | | 2 | jiri | | new | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0001350 | | Portable Device: Bidirectional Synchronization | | feature | 4.1 | 1600 | 4.1 | 11 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0005902 | | New podcast directory | | feature | 4.1 | | | 6 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0009203 | | Database error upon plugging in USB MS device | | major | 4.1 | | | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0011592 | | Sync: Artwork was not copied to device | | major | 1.0.4 | 200 | | 7 | peke | | closed | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0011549 | | Playlist video thumbnails appear very slowly, disappear, re-appear (regression) | | major | 1.0.4 | 200 | 1.0.4 | 7 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0011597 | | When LG TV is on and MM server is browsed by another client, it can return incomplete results | | minor | 4.1.1 | | | | Ludek | | assigned | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0011588 | | Auto-converted tracks resync on every usb sync | | major | 4.1 | | | 2 | rusty | | resolved | 2013-12-12 |
| | 0010550 | | Galaxy S3: playback pauses for variable period of time when display is off | | major | 1.0.1 | 104 | 1.0.3 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0010930 | | Duplicate profiles in MMW (regression in 134) | | major | 1.0.4 | 135 | 1.0.4 | 1 | marek | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0011558 | | 'Play next' doesn't deselect nodes on activation | | minor | 1.0.4 | 199 | 1.0.4 | 6 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0011511 | | When browsing Android device with MMA, MMW doesn't display play history correctly | | minor | 1.0.4 | 1674 | 4.1 | 6 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0011564 | | Hierarchical playlist sync is broken over USB | | major | 4.1 | 1678 | 4.1 | 5 | Ludek | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0008342 | | Autosync fails to initiate if no changes occur within MediaMonkey during a session | | minor | 4.1 | 1677 | 4.1 | 10 | rusty | | resolved | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0005814 | | Same-named playlist causes loss upon sync | | major | | 1676 | 4.1 | 5 | user_chrisjj | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0010573 | | Freeze on DB operations | | minor | | 116 | | 3 | jiri | | closed | 2013-12-11 |
| | 0011573 | | 'Since this is your first time connecting...' message appears after first time | | major | 1.0.4 | 198 | 1.0.4 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2013-12-11 |