MMW 5 - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2025-07-01
- 0018651: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag creates Artwork per file on Album in Folders
- 0021182: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Editing Properties Memory Leak
- 0020906: [Other] AV EFBE0000 (out of memory) / navigating menus increases memory utilization
- 0021466: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tag changes not applied (Next in Properties)
- 0019720: [Playlists] Adding NOW PLAYING node to DLNA served content may be useful
- 0020678: [Playback] Inform user that player Pop-up display is not shown when focus assist is on
- 0021156: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Switch Composer for Publisher on Basic Tab in Properties for Type = Audiobooks
- 0020350: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Sub-menus sometimes are not removed and overlapps others
- 0019699: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Sometimes Context submenu do not close fast enough
- 0021372: [Playback] Possible memory leaks during nonstop playback of many tracks
- 0020073: [Playback] Seekbar do not follow Start/Stop Time settings
- 0020855: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties doesn't show its non-editing state well
- 0020097: [General] Better handling of known file issues and format fixes
- 0018791: [Sync (MMS)] Request: Sync control seems inadequate
- 0018494: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Return the ALL leaf to Folder and Location nodes
- 0019050: [Main Panel] Track Browser: Add CTRL+Click and Scroll Wheel/Middle Mouse Button to open in new tab
- 0019453: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Unify behaviour re quoted strings searching re single word versus multiple words
- 0020368: [Codecs] Corrupted files fail to update and sometimes causes MM to crash
- 0020997: [General] Main system menu is missing
- 0021021: [Hotkeys] Hotkey issues (adding hotkey isn't obvious)
- 0021025: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Add criteria list should be same as Column selector
- 0018648: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Unable to efficiently browse search history in Contextual search box
- 0019745: [Now Playing] File metadata is not predicted on File load and shows blank (Regression)
- 0021213: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Switching from Contextual to Advanced search is confusing
- 0021224: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Advanced Search used Filter icon in breadcrumbs
- 0020440: [Tracklist] Grid view should have sort just like List view
- 0021303: [Sync] Sync Device playlist as sub Playlists of Device name parent playlist
- 0021450: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics are saved in properties even they are not confirmed
- 0021454: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics lookup fails (regression?)
- 0021230: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Option to keep or change space to underscore on organize and sync
- 0021392: [General] Add option Minimize to Tray
- 0020986: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Selecting all tracks from same album do not suggest filling missing album artist information in multi edit properties
- 0021389: [Other] Out of Memory on CD Rip (when 'Verify tracks' is enabled)
- 0021125: [Main Panel] Organize Files can leave empty nodes
- 0020909: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add Cover window can be send to background
- 0021253: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag (compilations): tracks map to incorrect albums / fail to group as part of a single album release
- 0020842: [Now Playing] Playing node can load in random order (no Shuffle enabled)
- 0019545: [Playback] Volume leveling: New hybrid Album/Track leveling mode (was Album leveling shouldn't be preferred over track leveling)
- 0020392: [Main Panel] Buttons (menus/tabs) in title bar with maximized program should be clickable when mouse is on the top of screen
- 0021293: [Main Panel] Multi-monitor: open/closing laptop causes window size to change (regression)
- 0021093: [Other] Switching Translation shows download in English and changes Main Toolbar to English
- 0015047: [General] Context menu for LVs in some dialog is wrong
- 0020306: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tray menu doesn't close when tapping outside the menu
- 0020457: [Skinning framework] Checkboxes are hard to be skinned properly
- 0015183: [Sync] MM5 > MMS migration wizard and issues
- 0021493: [Hotkeys] Option to set custom IN track SKIP time
- 0021188: [Main Panel] Lyrics Auto Lookup in Preview Memory Leak
- 0021155: [Burning / Disc Handling] Full freeze on CD insert
- 0021484: [General] Add activeCodePage to application manifest
- 0021344: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tracklist Contextual menu remains open even when Auto-tag dialog is in focus
- 0021483: [Main Panel] Summary and Artwork not available in Choose Columns
- 0019959: [Skins] None native skin is visualy acceptable with Windows 11 high Contrast themes
- 0021101: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Send to > Playilst should display auto-playlists (that have static playlist as children)
- 0019416: [Track Browser] Views: Ability to 'Group by' x
- 0021146: [Other] YouTube playback fails: "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot"
- 0021185: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Organize Files moves Lyrics files to both destinations
- 0021195: [General] Further improvements to TAB order / Keyboard-only usage of MMW
- 0021316: [Install/Config] When adding a new Collection MediaMonkey should scroll to it
- 0021318: [Main Panel] CD Node can appear in wrong location and often isn't visible
- 0021477: [Main Panel] No Tooltips in MiniPlayer
- 0021159: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties dialog open behind the main MM window
- 0021235: [Conversion/Leveling] CD Rip: memory leak in rip verification function
- 0018582: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Choose fields dialog doesn't save the field order correctly
- 0021287: [Playback] Application sometimes crashes in WASAPI plugin during playback
- 0019018: [Playback] WASAPI: When OS default device change Playback stops (Regression)
- 0020461: [Sync] Add Skip Count to Sync from iOS to MMW
- 0021225: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter should only show Criteria matches that are available in the View
- 0021131: [Main Panel] Context Menu in Media Tree shows items of selected node when opened from blank space
- 0016683: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork: no way of knowing when linked artwork is missing
- 0019295: [Track Browser] Info Panel: Horizontal Bar should not scroll info panel
- 0020195: [Main Panel] Ability to disable rating in album grid
- 0021259: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Searching artwork Status do not reflect UI (no working circle in Artwork image)
- 0020897: [Skinning framework] Media forced-colors system changes is not working in realtime (Regression)
- 0021374: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Lyrics search is inconsistent in different parts of MM
- 0021148: [Main Panel] Hotkeys are triggered in WEB nodes
- 0021152: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Alternate suggestions drop-down re-opens on manual edit in Auto-Tag
- 0021060: [Main Panel] Web view sometimes overlaps other parts of program
- 0021094: [General] Manage Database window changes size
- 0020927: [General] Resizing columns of fixed-width listviews has issues
- 0018063: [Main Panel] Column Width Management Improvements
- 0019488: [Main Panel] MMW grabs focus whenever a new window opens
- 0019960: [Main Panel] Main window is not brought to the front when clicking on a dialog box after switching to another program
- 0021364: [Main Panel] MMW (debug) often fails to respond to TAB key on launch
- 0019717: [Sync] Review iOS sync support after iTunes sunset
- 0021320: [FileMonitor / Find Missing]
Inspect memory leaks during (re-)scanning - 0020967: [Main Panel]
Issue with tab key when popup is opened in grid - 0019096: [General]
dropdown control should not fire change event on mousedown, but on mouseup - 0021494: [Playback]
Audio CD playback: Drive spins down in some environments causing lag between tracks - 0020192: [Main Panel]
Changing Image Size may not work/make MM sluggish/AV - 0019994: [Track Browser]
Albums can't be rated in Grid view - 0021258: [Other]
Corrupted thumbnails files can cause missing artworks - 0021468: [Now Playing]
Shuffle: should have the ability to Shuffle all tracks in the list - 0021166: [Playback]
Removing Start Time does not update Remaining time and Waveform - 0021168: [Playback]
A Bookmark past Stop Time won't allow MediaMonkey to play the file - 0021167: [Playback]
Bookmarking fails to set correct time with Start Time set - 0021212: [Conversion/Leveling]
CD Rip Status dialog displays misleading path - 0020230: [Main Panel]
Non-existent folders can't be deleted from Location sub-node
13 of 97 issue(s) resolved View Issues